Swimming North Coast Inc

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Swimming North Coast Records Multi Class
For all enquires about Swimming North Coast Records please contact the Registrar,
Graham Canning via
Current Swimming North Coast Multi Class Records
Short Course
Updated 4/6/24
​Updated 4/6/24
Updated 4/1/25
Updated 4/1/25
Long Course
Updated 4/1/25
Updated 26/1/25
Updated 4/1/25
Updated 26/1/25
Categories of SNC Multi-Class Records
Swimming North Coast maintains 4 categories of multi-class records:
Multi-Class Short Course Championship Records -
The fastest times achieved at the official Swimming North Coast Short Course Championships.
Multi-Class Short Course Overall Records -
The fastest times achieved by registered Swimming North Coast multi-class swimmers at a swim meet in any 25m pool.
Multi-Class Long Course Championship Records -
The fastest times achieved at the official Swimming North Coast Long Course Championships.
Multi-Class Long Course Overall Records -
The fastest times achieved by registered Swimming North Coast multi-class swimmers at a swim meet in any 50m pool.
Multi-Class Records will be kept for all the standard age groups and classifications S1- S19 when they are available.
Records with no current record holder will not be displayed.
Only times achieved by officially classified multi-class swimmers who are registered with Swimming North Coast Inc can be considered for these records.
Events must be swum according to the rules of SAL and SNSW.
Timing must be done either electronically or manually using three timekeepers. An accredited referee and starter must be officiating.
Club nights, club championships, time trial meets and school meets below Regional level will not be considered for SNC Multi Class Records.
SNC Championship Carnivals and inter-club carnivals within the area will be checked for new records by the registrar when either a Meet Manager or Team Manager file of results is available.
State and National meets will also be checked when a Meet Manager or Team Manager file of results is available.
Swimmers with times achieved at meets other than the above will need to contact the registrar by email swimmingnorthcoastregistrar@gmail.com with full details of events, the name of the Swim Meet, Date and Venue
SNSW or Australian Multi-Class Records
· Swimmers who wish to claim a SNSW or Australian MC record from a time achieved at a SNC run Swim Meet or a Club Swim Meet must do so on the day of the swim.·
· It is the responsibility of the swimmer to have the correct record application form with them and have it signed by the Meet Officials on the day. A copy of the printout of the electronic times or 3 manual stop watch times must be requested on the day of the swim to accompany the record application.
SNC is unable to assist with claims for MC records not processed